‘It’s a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to’.
‘The Lord of The Rings’
True as this famous quote is, the very decision to go on an adventure, ‘go out your door’ is often the hardest part, because it takes the most courage and means the most change. It means leaving a routine- the usual everyday- that, however boring, you have grown used to.
But have you ever wondered what the ‘unknowns’ of travelling might be?
Well here’s the secret – travel means a new life. It means open doors, windows and gates to new experiences, possibilities, meetings, a new mindset and ultimately, a new lifestyle. If you’re looking for change, any kind of change really, travel is the easiest and by far the most enjoyable first step on the way to the ‘new you’.
You might think ‘today is not the perfect day to start that journey’, because you’ve got work/school/bills/appointments/kids/dogs/life… EVERYthing and ANYthing! Tomorrow won’t be perfect either, or the day after. The truth is – there will never be ‘the perfect time to travel’, because you can always find a reason to stay at home – atn excuse to keep you ankle-chained to your routine.
Your ‘we’ll start tomorrow’ is a distant hazy intangible day in the far future that may never come…
So, before you start feeling sad, and depressed or disappointed to have never taken THAT STEP – decide that today IS the day!
There’s a beautiful world out there, full of amazing, bizarre, wonderful unknowns waiting to be discovered by you.