Your past is waiting…

We can have your family’s history researched in the archives, and perhaps uncover long lost relatives!
Research now available in Ukraine AND Eastern Poland.
You simply have to supply materials about your background and we will pass it along to our researchers who will closely analyze the information and trace it back to the place your relatives are originally from.

Research Options / Stages:
Free Consult:
We will first do a free consult (details below), determining the premise of your research and doing a primary analysis. If, at this time, we do not find sufficient information to research, you will not be charged at all. Once the feasibility of researching your ancestry is established and a rough estimate of fees is provided, our specialist will then begin the genealogy search to prepare a report for you.
Archival Genealogical Research:
If it is determined that the research is feasible, the information provided by the client will be used to closely study archival documents and trace family history. Once the research is complete, the client is provided with a report in English and photocopies of any available birth/marriage/death records.
The cost of archival genealogical research starts at $350 USD per family line, but depending on the depth of research it could reach $750 USD or more. An approximate quote of fees will be provided after assessment. Price is dependent on: the complexity of the research, the availability of documents, etc. Under certain circumstances, such as the relocation of official records, additional charges may apply.
Living Relatives Search:
Based on the information retrieved in the course of the archival genealogical research, a search for living relatives can be conducted. This involves a researcher travelling to the ‘home village’, taking photos, and, if possible, locating the historic family home, finding the client’s living relatives, and collecting contact information.
The living relatives search is only available if prior archival research has been done. It is not guaranteed that the researcher will find any relatives.
The cost of the living relatives search can range from approximately $150 to $250 USD fee per family line (in addition to the above genealogical research fee). The fee is determined by the distance covered by the researcher, the extent of work/amount of time spent, etc.
Visits to Your Ancestral Village:
Based on the retrieved information, we could then arrange for a day trip during one of our tours or even a special visit in your family village with a custom family tour. While you’re taking in and learning about all the beautifully antique sights around you in Ukraine/Poland, why not learn more about your own family’s unique history as well? This would be a truly great and ideal way to top off a trip and walk away with some irreplaceable knowledge.
Fees of day trips or custom tours are determined on a case-by-case basis. Please email us to start planning your dream getaway.
Village Visit Only:
If you don’t want to do genealogy research, but just want to make a short visit to your ancestral village – no problem. We will be more than happy to take you and your family to the village of your ancestors – walk around, visit the church and the graveyard. Perhaps we’ll even chat with locals! To make this happen – please contact for travel arrangements.

How to start your Genealogical research:
SUBMIT: A completed and signed Genealogical Research Request Form (download here or below) to Please also supply any additional information or documentation pertaining to your family tree, including family names and villages in Ukraine.
ASSESSMENT: Will be done with our genealogy specialist to determine availability and accessibility of materials and provide a rough estimate of fees. (This usually takes 2-3 weeks, depending on volume of requests).
DEPOSIT: Acceptance of the rough estimate and a deposit of $100 USD will start the research process. (This usually takes 2-3 months, depending on volume of requests and amount of research requested).
Submit your form to:
Or email us at this address for further information or a consultation.
Genealogy Research Request Form